Tree Planting
Planting a tree goes beyond just digging a hole and putting the sapling in the ground. It requires knowledge and experience to ensure that you plant the right tree in the right place. Choosing the right species for your growing conditions and landscape design can significantly boost curb appeal.
In consultation with our in-house landscape designer, we offer suggestions based on your landscape design and vision of the space. All of our trees are selected form our 100 acre tree farm and we can ensure that your tree planting investment will be well worth it.
Tree Removal
It isn’t always an easy decision to remove your tree especially if it’s been the pride of your property. Whether your tree is reaching the end of its life cycle, has died, become diseased or hazardous, sometimes tree removal is inevitable. If it is time to say goodbye to your tree, we can help. We also remove stumps and conduct bush clearing.
Our crews have the skilled expertise and the right equipment to remove your tree safely and efficiently without causing damage to your property.
Tree Types
Over 10000 large trees available, ranging in sizes from 8-15ft tall. Our packages include digging, relocating and tree supports. We specialize in Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce, Balsam Spruce. We provide 5 year warranties on our trees. Plantings are scheduled from the end of August until first frost, and after spring thaw until end of June.
Tree Care Information
1) Don’t forget to water your trees regularly. 2-3 times per week for 5-10 minute sessions at the base of the tree trunk and around the ground surrounding the tree bulb. Some trees require more water than others, this depends on the subsoil base and is especially important when the subsoil is very compact, rocky, dry or clay. This is recommended from time of installation to first snow fall for the first year and to be decreased to half the time the second year. After that your tree will survive on its own.
2) It is recommended to put 2-4 inches of organic mulch (peat moss, wood chips, tree bark) around the base of the tree to improve water availability. We provide this service and other landscaping services, should the customer choose to have this done. It will also speed up the growth of your tree and aid in its survival.
3) If any tree roots become exposed due to tree settlement or water runoff, cover roots with organic mulch or wood chips. Topsoil can also be used, however organic mulch or wood chips are preferred.
4) Cosmetics:
A) Trees can be trimmed in their second year, beginning next spring to remove dead or partially dead limbs and and can also be shaped accordingly. Avoid doing too much trimming at once and do not cut more than 6 inches per branch per year.
B) Trees may adjust their angle into the ground and support straps can be adjusted by twisting the wire with a screwdriver in order to maintain positioning. Strong winds can sometimes break the wire and/or re-position the tree. If this happens please do not hesitate to notify us and we will make sure a second or third support will be provided.
C) Support wire and stakes can be painted green in order to be less visible and give the tree a more natural look. Tremclad green works great. The stakes can be removed after 3 years, just snip the wire and hammer the stakes further into the ground or pull them out.
Warranty Terms
All trees purchased and planted by Fait Construction Inc. are guaranteed for 3 years beginning from date of the invoice. The warranty covers the cost of the tree, the delivery and planting fees. Additional planting charges or smaller sizing may be required if conditions have changed from original installation (i.e. limited or no access due to fences, retaining walls, buildings and other obstructions)
In no case shall Fait Construction Inc. be liable in respect of loss or damage to trees caused by diseases, severe weather (wind storm, hail, lightning, fire) winter desiccation, animal/insect damage, lack of water, excessive water, vandalism or malicious acts. We will replace any tree only once.